Class Summary |
AnonChannelMode |
The channel flag 'a' defines an anonymous channel. |
BanMode |
Channel Ban and Exception - When a user requests to join a
channel, his local server checks if the user's address matches
any of the ban masks set for the channel. |
ExceptionMode |
Channel Ban and Exception - When a user requests to join a
channel, his local server checks if the user's address matches
any of the ban masks set for the channel. |
GenericChannelMask |
'Masks' and other modes that can have multiple copies in a channel
at once should subclass this. |
GenericChannelMode |
A generic channel mode will be recorded in the channel, and there
will be one per channel. |
InviteMaskMode |
Channel Invitation - For channels which have the invite-only
flag set (See Section 4.2.2 (Invite Only Flag)), users whose
address matches an invitation mask set for the channel are
allowed to join the channel without any
invitation. |
InviteOnlyMode |
Invite Only Flag - When the channel flag 'i' is set, new
members are only accepted if their mask matches Invite-list (See
section 4.3.2) or they have been invited by a channel operator. |
KeyMode |
Channel Key - When a channel key is set (by using the mode
'k'), servers MUST reject their local users request to join the
channel unless this key is given. |
LimitMode |
User Limit - A user limit may be set on channels by using the
channel flag 'l'. |
ModeratedMode |
Moderated Channel Flag - The channel flag 'm' is used to
control who may speak on a channel. |
NoExtMsgMode |
No Messages To Channel From Clients On The Outside - When the
channel flag 'n' is set, only channel members MAY send messages
to the channel. |
OperMode |
Channel Operator Status - The mode 'o' is used to toggle the
operator status of a channel member. |
PrivateMode |
Private and Secret Channels - The channel flag 'p' is used to
mark a channel "private" and the channel flag 's' to mark a
channel "secret". |
SecretMode |
Private and Secret Channels - The channel flag 'p' is used to
mark a channel "private" and the channel flag 's' to mark a
channel "secret". |
TopicLockMode |
Topic - The channel flag 't' is used to restrict the usage of the TOPIC
command to channel operators. |
VoiceMode |
Voice Privilege - The mode 'v' is used to give and take voice
privilege to/from a channel member. |