Class Summary |
Some Frequenty Asked Questions. |
ClientStateMonitor |
ClientStateMonitor asks commands to update the client state. |
CommandObserver |
CommandRegister |
CommandRegister is basically a big hashtable that maps IRC
identifiers to command objects that can be used as factories to
do self-parsing. |
CronManager |
ForwardObservable |
Does notifications in the order they are added. |
GenericAutoService |
Provides a framework for an auto service. |
GenericCommandAutoService |
Provides a framework for an auto service that operates with
InCommands. |
InputHandler |
A simple class to help manage input from the stream. |
IRCConnection |
IRCConnection is the core class for Martyr. |
Mode.Sign |
Finally, the Sign enumeration. |
State |
A simple container for state constants. |
StateObserver |
Should the state and state observer be one? |
TestIRCConnection |
JUnit test cases. |
TimerTaskCommand |
This class delays sending a command to the IRC connection. |