Uses of Class

Packages that use GenericMode   

Uses of GenericMode in

Subclasses of GenericMode in
 class AnonChannelMode
          The channel flag 'a' defines an anonymous channel.
 class BanMode
          Channel Ban and Exception - When a user requests to join a channel, his local server checks if the user's address matches any of the ban masks set for the channel.
 class ExceptionMode
          Channel Ban and Exception - When a user requests to join a channel, his local server checks if the user's address matches any of the ban masks set for the channel.
 class GenericChannelMask
          'Masks' and other modes that can have multiple copies in a channel at once should subclass this.
 class GenericChannelMode
          A generic channel mode will be recorded in the channel, and there will be one per channel.
 class InviteMaskMode
          Channel Invitation - For channels which have the invite-only flag set (See Section 4.2.2 (Invite Only Flag)), users whose address matches an invitation mask set for the channel are allowed to join the channel without any invitation.
 class InviteOnlyMode
          Invite Only Flag - When the channel flag 'i' is set, new members are only accepted if their mask matches Invite-list (See section 4.3.2) or they have been invited by a channel operator.
 class KeyMode
          Channel Key - When a channel key is set (by using the mode 'k'), servers MUST reject their local users request to join the channel unless this key is given.
 class LimitMode
          User Limit - A user limit may be set on channels by using the channel flag 'l'.
 class ModeratedMode
          Moderated Channel Flag - The channel flag 'm' is used to control who may speak on a channel.
 class NoExtMsgMode
          No Messages To Channel From Clients On The Outside - When the channel flag 'n' is set, only channel members MAY send messages to the channel.
 class OperMode
          Channel Operator Status - The mode 'o' is used to toggle the operator status of a channel member.
 class PrivateMode
          Private and Secret Channels - The channel flag 'p' is used to mark a channel "private" and the channel flag 's' to mark a channel "secret".
 class SecretMode
          Private and Secret Channels - The channel flag 'p' is used to mark a channel "private" and the channel flag 's' to mark a channel "secret".
 class TopicLockMode
          Topic - The channel flag 't' is used to restrict the usage of the TOPIC command to channel operators.
 class VoiceMode
          Voice Privilege - The mode 'v' is used to give and take voice privilege to/from a channel member.

Uses of GenericMode in

Subclasses of GenericMode in
 class GenericUserMode
 class InvisibleMode

Copyright © 2000-2007 Ben Damm, Daniel Henninger, et al.